18 Dezember 2011

Rainy December

(charcoal, crayons, white ink)

Looking down on F-E-street

06 Dezember 2011

No big thoughts but..

..simply for the Fun of it, flowing digitally with some Manga/Anime influences in it this time!

24 November 2011

Spawn sketches

These are some about ten year old Spawn-sketches I found recently which were for a Spawn-anniversary-kind of thing(i think the 50th issue of the Spawn -series in Germany and/or an online-gallery) back then.

01 November 2011

Pavel Royal

Another graphic created for Pavel-Skates!

15 September 2011


A graphic for a german hip-hop website.

31 August 2011

Point of View

Scribble-contest-illustration where you were given a random combination of lines. Your challenge was to look at the drawing creatively and find an object or scene within the randomness to bring a whole new meaning to the piece.
Here's the asset-picture with the  lines and their relation to each other that had to be in the drawing:

and here's what your freindly neighborhood Tom3k made out of it!:

there is this circle(point) in the asset-picture and in combination with "create what you see out of the asset-picture" it's kind of a point of view..
Pencilled rough around the asset-picture till I saw the picture/layout what became this finished artwork.
Then some cleaned pencils and a washed-ink-painting
for the body-texture and finally digital inks!

18 August 2011


A new "RAZ0R" illustration.
Kind of inspired by "the girl with the dragon tattoo"-movies,
especially by the Lisbeth-character.
Pencils and inks on a water-color-background with some photograph textures.

31 Juli 2011

Wallpaper Angel

Commission art. Pastels on wallpaper.

18 Juli 2011


In this post I want to present 2 board-graphics I made for pavel-skates!
The graphic featuring  the Bomb-mermaid was drawn for the "C-Bark" slalom board
and the one with the bursting Dragon was drawn for a "Kevin Wenzke" pool board!
You can find these boards and other fine boards 'n' related stuff at:


28 Mai 2011

Sketchbook-frontpage and Darkness

The current look of my sketchbook-frontpage!

A new drawing/sketch of the "Darkness" character from Top Cow!

22 April 2011


Already posted these pics on the DA-site but added the Pencilsketch for the
Thor-illustration with the w1ndng-sketch next to it!

19 März 2011


16 Januar 2011


13 Januar 2011


Horror-creature-sketch inspired by "Silent Hill" and all that other sick stuff!

06 Januar 2011

Holy Hills